For our family, 2018 was a momentous one. A Christmas baby at the very tail end of 2017, a new business venture, an active and amazing three-nager, and health scares with close family members and friends, all led to an exciting albeit scary year.
With so much going on, longterm goals were put to the wayside as we attempted to keep the ship afloat and all of the passengers in good spirits.
Thankfully, the baby is now one and less of a terror. The three-year-old is still terrifying but in fun ways. Our second family business is gaining traction. And, we’ve grown a lot in our relationships as we’ve discovered the best ways to help those close to us who are in need.
But, 2019, we’re coming for you. With no more babies on the horizon, this is the year we take control of the most important aspects of our lives.
For my wife and I, that means developing a family contract laying out the ways we’re going to succeed in the new year. For us, we’re following the 9 F’s.
As we head into a new year, we take this opportunity to once again realize our priorities in all things: family, work, life, faith, and friendships. We use the rolling over of the calendar year to commit ourselves to the ways in which we want to interact with all of these important facets of our lives.
Family First
The five of us (dog included) before anyone else. All decisions guided by what is best for us. Our extended family next followed by everyone else.
We pledge to do all we can to serve our community as our faith dictates. For one another, we pledge to always lift each other up.
Four Quarters
Like the masterful meme describes: I’d rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies. We are going to support and encourage the friendships that are most important to us rather than stretch ourselves in relationships that are not important to us or supporting our goals.
Frugally Hedonistic
We commit to having fun, enjoying life and doing so without breaking the bank. Outdoor and community activities, theme nights at home and adventures that don’t necessarily come with a price tag. More than anything, we commit that shopping is NOT a fun family activity.
Fix it
Rather than get the new when something isn’t ideal, we commit to fix it or improve it ourselves (when we can) and involving the kids wherever possible so it becomes a fun, character building activity.
Fit & Healthy
We are each other’s accountabilibuddies in living a healthy and active lifestyle. No more fast food. Activity every day.
Forget Our Phones
Toys or books should be in our hands after 5 p.m. Not phones. Phones go in their dock unless absolutely necessary.
More than anything, break the habit of always seeking something else to fulfill our lives. We have a gorgeous home, an amazing family, wonderful friends, a breathtaking neighborhood and more blessings than we can count.
We do not need “that” … whatever it is.