I’ve been spending some time thinking about the last 12 months and what has led me to where I am in this new year. Of course, my family, friends, and the many blessings I have received have been key, but as I look back I have noticed the many “breadcrumbs” that led me on a journey and helped me achieve many goals and hold on to joy even when circumstances tried to steal it from me.
I started 2018 wanting to continue on my journey to minimize spending and accumulating possessions, but I wanted to be happier and more content. So 10% Happier and The Year of Less were a great start. I then started reading simply for enjoyment, no need to take notes or have a highlighter handy. The women whose stories are told in Breaking Night and The Hiding Place demonstrated even the biggest obstacles can be overcome when you keep your faith and let God lead the way.
During the summer, after a co-worker posted a great review, I pulled Girl, Wash Your Face off my wishlist, into my cart and waited anxiously for it to arrive. I quickly read through each chapter. Mind
No Sidebar has become like a home base for me and has left breadcrumbs connecting me to many great resources and other writers with common interests. I connected personally with Erica Layne and her Life on Purpose Movement and Introverted Mom’s Club on Facebook and Cheryl Smith and her many inspirational articles.
The Simple Show podcast is a favorite and I listen to it often. It has been a huge factor in my growth during 2018. This is my go to “breadcrumb factory.” Tsh Oxenrider’s interviews have led me to numerous influential people and places. Two favorites being The Lazy Genius Collective and Emily P. Freeman and her podcast, The Next Right Thing.
By October, I was coasting…I was connecting with people through my blog, writing and meeting many of my goals. All was good…I had a routine and everything seemed to be falling into place. Then that Bermuda Triangle of holidays happened. I was traveling, trying to tie up loose ends at work before the break, cramming candy and costumes, a turkey, presents, and a
All I had worked for seemed so far away and I didn’t know how I would get back. As I sit here writing, I’m still not back there. My tree is still up there are piles of laundry on the floor and dishes in the sink. The beef stroganoff I made was a complete fail and I’m still nursing my back I pulled out on Christmas Eve. But you know what? Those wagons that I was coasting on? They are still there, just waiting for me to hop back on and steer them and I can’t wait to clear a path and do it!
Although, I got off track and things are still a bit chaotic I’m feeling really good about moving forward in 2019. I don’t have a “word” or list of resolutions for this year. I’m working on more of a mission statement inspired by a quote from the book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. which reads, “By investing in fewer things we have the satisfying experience of making significant progress in the things that matter most.”
If you are still pondering words and resolutions I say toss them out. It’s been reported 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by Feb anyway! Instead, figure out what it is you really want to do and…
- Make a mission statement.
- Write a few obtainable goals, take an inventory in a few months and don’t be afraid to change them.
- Look for breadcrumbs and follow them!
- Get a pack of gold star stickers and display your achievements – even the small ones.
- Don’t beat yourself up if something doesn’t work out. Something bigger and better might be just around the corner.
- If you fall off your wagon, dust yourself off, and just get back on. Don’t wait until the 1st of the month, or a Monday, just start over at even if its 3:17 on Tuesday.
- Don’t be afraid to change midway through the journey. Life is not static, it’s always changing and we are always growing and learning new things.
- Don’t put yourself into a box trying to be something other than yourself.
Each one of us has a special gift. Please don’t believe what you do is insignificant. There is someone out there waiting to read your story, wear your jewelry, hear your song, display your art, eat your cupcakes, or maybe something as simple sit on your lap and listen to you read a story.
We all have a light, let 2019 be the year to let yours shine.
Be well,