A deep spring cleaning and a good decluttering of our physical belongings was in order. I mindfully devised a plan including what rooms to tackle first and mentally pumped myself up for this great feat– a fresh start was just the ticket towards moving past feeling overwhelmed with the excess that had built up.
Room by room, I wiped and washed, then sifted through our belongings and determined what was necessary. The hard work was accomplished and now I could enjoy the fruit from my labor.
That is, until I realized something not too long afterwards– decluttering isn’t the magic solution.
While I find great value in decluttering our physical possessions, it isn’t a means to an end. Decluttering may make us feel organized or reduce the unused “stuff” in our space for a time, but it’s not a once-and-done system that eliminates clutter from coming back in.
If the root of the problem isn’t addressed, a lasting solution won’t be found. Do you want to know the real magic solution to getting rid of clutter in your life?
I’ve found that it’s not just getting rid of physical clutter in my home, but the clutter that builds up in the rest of my life too.
Here are 6 strategies that I’ve found to help me live a less cluttered life– both inside and out.
6 Ways to Live a Less Cluttered Life
1. Decide once.
We have many decisions that we make each day, over 35,000 actually! But if we think about those decisions, many of them can be decided once, rather than every day.
Some of my favorite “decide once” examples are my meal planning process, the kids’ chore routines, or my Saturday morning power-hour cleaning schedule.
Don’t reinvent the wheel; decide once and stick to that decision with firmness unless your circumstances change.
2. Create a simple morning routine.
Several years ago as a new stay-at-home-mom, I didn’t have many regular routines and felt very discombobulated. Until I created a simple morning routine.
The predictability that I created during these couple of hours allowed me to feel much more in-control of my day, rather than having my brain constantly asking “what’s next?”.
Having a consistent wake-up time, doing an hour of devotions/reading before the kids get up, planning simple breakfasts, and doing one load of laundry are ways that I’ve added simplicity to my mornings.
3. Limit social media usage.
Social media can be a source of inspiration, but it can also be a way to compare myself, my home, and my life to others.
Limiting my time on it has allowed me to have a more healthy realization of my priorities. This helps me to avoid impulse purchases which inevitably leads to more debt and more clutter around my home.
Here’s one simple way I’ve found to limit my time on it.
4. Start small with habits.
I’ve learned that the best way to make a change in my life is to start small and choose just one area to work on at a time.
This idea may sound ordinary or “too easy”, but the real success lies in the consistent effort and internal motivation that comes from starting small.
5. Use the 48-hour buying rule.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to avoid impulse purchases of items we probably don’t even need is to wait 48 hours before purchasing something that isn’t essential. This gives you time to consider if you truly need it or if buying it merely fulfills an emotional need.
6. Follow the 1 in 1 out rule.
Birthdays and holidays typically mean more gifts in the form of toys, which can be one of the biggest sources of physical clutter in my home. To help us navigate the overabundance, we follow the 1 in 1 out method.
As one toy comes in, another one goes up in the attic in our toy rotation bin or if it’s something that is no longer age-appropriate or enjoyed, it gets donated to another home. We follow this method with our clothes and shoes, kitchen tools, towels and linens, and other accessories too.
The Real Magic of Decluttering Our Lives
Do you find yourself constantly decluttering your home yet going back to the same old frustrating patterns? Are you looking for a way to clear out both the mental and physical clutter that holds you back from living with less overwhelm and more simplicity?
The real magic of decluttering isn’t just getting rid of the excess “stuff” around our homes, but clearing out the commotion that fills our lives with distractions, stress, debt, and unhealthy emotions.
About the Author: Mollie (and her husband, Mike) blog at This Evergreen Home where they share their experience with living simply, intentionally, and relationally in this modern world. You can follow along by subscribing to their weekly newsletter.