Try as we might, our inboxes get cluttered, our Twitter following spirals out of control, we scroll through Instagram and think, “who is this again?” and before we know it, our Facebook “friends” are not really friends at all.
Perhaps one of the most difficult areas to simplify in our lives is our digital spaces. Or, maybe that’s just me.
I think one of the major reasons it’s so difficult to simplify our digital spaces is because we don’t want to miss out on something awesome. So when we discover a new person or brand we think we might like, but we don’t have the time to “vet” them so to speak, we just sign up for all of them tell ourselves.
I figured I would make your job really easy by putting them all in one place. Many of them have email newsletters—which I subscribe to—and I highly recommend you do the same. Hope you enjoy!
Simple Living Resources
1. Becoming Minimalist —
Joshua Becker is not only one of the foremost experts on minimalism in the world, he’s a guy with passion and heart and a wealth of really practical, helpful, honest content. Whether you’re new to this minimalism thing, or whether you’ve been at it for years and are looking for the simple living principles to sink deeper into your life, Becoming Minimalist is the place to be. Joshua lives this stuff as much as he writes about it.
2. The Art of Simple —
From motherhood to travel to self care to career to global ideas and social justice, The Art of Simple covers it all. With books, daily blog posts, an online course, and a community of people who are passionate about living simply, you’ll have no shortage of ways to learn and grow when you join this community. And it’s all the brainchild of Tsh Oxenreider, a woman brave enough to take her family of five on a year-long trip around the world. Bravery like that is born out of simple living like this.
3. Be More With Less —
If you are looking for inspiration to simplify your life and infuse it with love, this is the place to be. Courtney Carver knows what it feels like to be overwhelmed and under-inspired—sick, stressed out, and tired all the time. She also knows what it feels like to make small changes (that turn into bigger changes) to simplify your life and move toward healing. This space is dedicated to helping you make those same changes. Courtney will be the friend you need in this minimalism journey.
4. Melissa Camara Wilkins —
Melissa Wilkins is a mom to six kids (yes, six) and has embraced the journey of simplicity with authority and grace. I mean, when you write about simplicity and you have six kids—you quickly gain authority on the subject! So if you feel your life is “too crazy” to walk the path to simplicity; if you think you have too much going on or too many obstacles in your way, Melissa is your girl. A regular contributor to our No Sidebar community and also a kind soul, you won’t regret getting to know her and learning along the way.
5. Simplify & Pursue —
Most of us can easily claim that we have too much stuff. Robin Shliakhau wants to help you simplify your life so that you can pursue what matters most. Whether it’s through a one-on-one simplifying & organizing session, a phone/Skype consultation or through a workshop or small group, she can give you tools to help you simplify and methods to maintain your home.
6. Break The Twitch —
Anthony Ongaro is a Midwest-living, 9-5 working marketing guy with a passion for intentional living. What Anthony calls “The Twitch” is that thing we all tend to do when we don’t have clear objectives, goals or plans for our lives. We get sucked into other people’s objectives for us. We spend money needlessly on things that don’t matter. We waste time and never have time for the things we truly want to do. And at the end of a day, week, or year, we feel discouraged because our life doesn’t look the way we want it to. Want to break that twitch?
7. Emily P. Freeman —
Emily Freeman is passionate about creating spaces for souls to breathe—and you’ll find her website is just that. It’s a breath of fresh air, a bright spot in a dreary day. If you feel like the demands of life are closing in on you, like you get lost in what other people need from you, that you wake up in the morning and wonder what this is all for, grab a cup of coffee and find an extra hour or two, because that’s how long you’re going to want to spend reading.
8. Allison Fallon —
I first discovered Allison two years ago when I met her at Starbucks in the Chicago area. She gave me a copy of her book Packing Light and little did I know how much that book would change my life. She writes about how to live a happier, healthier life and talks about things in an honest, authentic way I don’t see many people talking about them. Not only does she write for No Sidebar, but her thought-provoking and helpful posts about mind-body connection and the importance of confidence have changed the way I think about these issues. She is one of my favorite writers and I know you’ll love her too.
9. The Cozy Minimalist —
Have you been putting off decorating your house, thinking to yourself, “Oh, at my next house, I’m going to have fill-in-the-blank” or, “My next house is going to be so much more my style.” Why are we all waiting to make our homes the cozy spaces we’ve always wanted them to be, always assuming the “next” place will be so much better? What if you could make the home you’re in right now an ideal space for you, not to mention, to do it on a budget? If that sounds like something you want, you don’t want to miss this course from The Nester.
Bonus: The Simple Life Course —
Every day, more stuff comes into our lives: stuff in our houses, stuff on our calendars, stuff on our minds. All that stuff gets in the way of where we really want to go and who we really want to be—it’s time to make a change. If you want to pursue a simple life, we have created a 30-day email course that will inspire + encourage you.